Reference Ranges YardCard
"The patient in Bed 4's Potassium is 6.3, CRP is 155 and WBC is 13"
- Reference ranges for commonly ordered blood tests including: FBC, U&E, LFT, TFT, HbA1c, Cardiac Biomarkers, Amylase and Lipase, Blood Glucose. Easily learn these values with this card.
- Arterial Blood Gas interpretation - including criteria for Type 1 and Type 2 Respiratory Failure
- Order of Draw - collect blood bottles in the correct order

ECG Interpretation YardCard
"Can you interpret this ECG?"
- STEMI criteria and lead diagram - easily remember which leads are Septal, Anterior, Inferior, Lateral, and Inferior
- Systematic Approach: Rate, Rhythm, Axis, P, QRS, ST, T. For each waveform, the card has the normal ranges in seconds and small squares for ease of interpretation.
- Understand Pathology: heart blocks, bundle branch blocks, long QT, T wave abnormalities
- Includes ECG ruler and innovative rate measuring tool: just line the arrow up with the R wave

GCS/SBAR Handover YardCard
"Is this the on call medical registrar? This is X from Ward X, I'm calling about..."
SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) is a structured method for communicating critical information that requires immediate attention and action - a tool for effective handover
"What's the GCS?"
Glasgow Coma Scale (front) is a commonly used scale to assess the conscious level of a patient

NEWS2 Yardcard
"The NEWS score is 5 - the blood pressure is 85/40 and the heart rate is 120"
NEWS2 is a system used across the UK for scoring the physiological measurements that are routinely recorded at the patient’s bedside to identify acutely ill patients, including those with sepsis The NEWS2 scoring system measures 6 physiological parameters: respiration rate, oxygen saturation, systolic blood pressure, pulse rate, level of consciousness or new-onset confusion, and temperature